Brian Margrave
Conductor of Bravo! Winds
Brian Margrave is the Director of Bands at Cheyenne Mountain Junior High School. Mr. Margrave began teaching beginning band in the Cheyenne Mountain School District in 2007. He was the assistant director at CMJH for over a decade, and became the head director and D12 Band Department Chair in 2022. Brian has taught at every school in D12.
Mr. Margrave earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Colorado in 2007, and a Master’s degree from the American Band College through Sam Houston State University in 2010. He is a National Board certified teacher.
In 2015, Brian was awarded the Outstanding Young Bandmaster Award by the honorary band fraternity Phi Beta Mu. He has been a clinician for honor bands across the state, including Best of the West Honor Band at Colorado Mesa University and Pueblo All-City honor band. Mr. Margrave has presented several lectures at Colorado Music Educators Association and Colorado Bandmasters Association conferences.
Additionally, Brian is the Pikes Peak Middle School Honor Band Board President and concert band coordinator, and maintains a small private trumpet studio.
Brian is lucky to be married to the beautiful and talented Kate Margrave, who is the Director of Bands at Pine Creek High School. They are parents to Eva May Margrave. When not in band classrooms, the Margraves can often be spotted in the great outdoors.